April 4-6, 2024 | loma linda, ca
In 2024, the Sonscreen Film Festival screened Windrider award-winning films and hosted the filmmakers for Q&As amid student film screenings, industry professional panels and networking opportunities for students and faculty from all over the nation. Windrider short films served to showcase industry level content to these rising filmmakers.
Refuse with Kenneth Chang, To My Father with Sean Schiavolin, Not Afraid with Mikaela Bruce and The Last Repair Shop with Ben Proudfoot
— TAnya Musgrave, Festival Producer, Sonscreen Film Festival
“Student films have been and will always be the focus for Sonscreen, but if we can also supplement them with industry professionals who could provide mentorship opportunities and showcase their short films through a partnership with Windrider Institute, students can see the difference between their work and the professionals’ and have a better understanding of what higher quality filmmaking looks like, giving them inspiration as they return to school.”
April 13-15, 2023 | loma linda, ca
In 2023, the Sonscreen Film Festival screened a variety of Windrider award-winning films for students, faculty and families.
Ousmane, Grab My Hand: A Letter to My Dad, Tree #3
April 7-9, 2022 | loma linda, ca
The 20th year of the Sonscreen Film Festival featured Windrider films among three days of student film screenings.
The Kite Maker, Raspberry, Gringa, A Concerto is a Conversation
April 2021 | ONLINE
Several Windrider short films were screened during the Sonscreen Film Festival that focuses mostly on student films. The Windrider films were meant to inspire the young filmmakers in their craft and spark conversations in their beloved medium. Many filmmakers associated with the films participated in live Q&A segments.
Head Over Heels, The Wind Phone, Knocking Down the Fences, Soar, Nocturne in Black, Sister