January 25-31, 2026
We would not be able to offer the unique opportunity of the Windrider Summit & The Sundance Film Festival Experience without the generosity of our local partners. By hosting a few students, professors, and/or ministry leaders in your home during The Sundance Film Festival, you can support the next generation of faithful leaders and make this one-of-a-kind experience accessible to them.
Welcome to the Windrider Family
The generosity of the Park City faith community has made it possible to offer the Windrider Summit for over 20 years. As part of the Windrider Host Home Program, we are excited to include you in the myriad of Summit activities that happen throughout and beyond the festival:
Windrider Community Event
Award-winning films
Popcorn, snacks and soft drinks provided
Windrider Summit Sessions
Windrider Studios – Access for your family to a curated library of award-winning short and feature films, offering exclusive in-depth conversations with filmmakers on a series called The W.
Experience firsthand how the Windrider Summit cultivates meaningful conversations. Help us to create an unforgettable experience for all participants and become a vital part of our dedicated team.
Believe in the Windrider mission? Your financial support can make a difference! Together, we can continue to inspire meaningful conversations and work to equip the next generation of faithful leaders.
Summit participants are adults, mostly in their 20’s and 30’s, some a little older. Many are students and staff from Christian colleges and theological seminaries. Some are pastors, ministry leaders and up-and-coming filmmakers. All of them will be attendees of the Windrider Summit and the Sundance Film Festival.
Host Homes are asked to provide accommodations for at least 2 guests for five nights during the Sundance Film Festival. Windrider aims to offer a separate bed and access to a full bath for everyone.
In the form above, indicate whether you prefer your guests to be male, female, or a married couple and whether you can comfortably accommodate more than 2 guests.
You do not need to prepare any meals for them, but it would be nice to have some light breakfast items or snacks available for the morning (fruit, yogurt, cereal/granola, coffee, juice).
Yes! This would be a significant contribution to Windrider. Typically, we use empty homes to house our team during the Summit.
Windrider Summit participants have a full daily schedule. They will usually be up early in the morning and will return home late at night. Since they will be returning late at night, host homes are asked to leave a door unlocked or provide a key for their guests.
Host Home families are not required to provide transportation to Summit participants. Ideally a host home is located near a Sundance shuttle or public transportation stop, so participants can get to the LDS Community Center and the Sundance venues each day. If a host home is not near any public transportation, its guest will have a rental car or be picked up and dropped off each day by someone with a car.
To confirm that you are willing to open your home to Windrider guests, please fill out the form above. There are a multitude of moving parts to the placement process, so we appreciate your patience as we work to match you with an ideal group. The Windrider Team will be in contact with you in early January to confirm details about the available space in your home. By the third week of January, you will be informed of the group that will be placed in your home. We will then connect you with the group leader, so you are able to coordinate their stay.